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Nomade Press

Nomade Press

NOMAD is an abbreviated guide portable architecture and portable literature, "light as a bag-desk with which Paul Morand went on luxury trains the bright night mobile desk which inspired Europe to Marcel Duchamp his boite-en-valise, the cassette-suitcase that contained miniature reproductions of all his works." E. Vila-Matas, Abbreviated History of portable literature, Feltrinelli, Milan 2010, p. 9. Attempting to miniaturize, transportable NOMAD to make literary city fragments can be compared to the machine weighs books designed by Walter Benjamin, discard the works who could not be transported, makes a service to all those "tourists" who pretend to read books I would read not even sitting in their comfortable lounges.

The magazine is a quarterly free press monographs of towns, the first output will be about Berlin, followed by Seoul and Bologna, you will be able to browse in bookshops of museums, in the best bookshops in Italy, in cinemas, in theaters, in waiting rooms in stations and airports, finally in bistros and literary cafes in the major cities. The format is that of a tabloid, convenient to carry along in the urban trekking, inside there are detailed maps of neighborhoods, a city map and subway pictures, architectural and literary excerpts, finally an illustrated bibliography of works that contributed to the narrative construction of the city.

NOMAD is an invitation to travellers to live "literally" the metropolis. The goal is to turn gaze on small details that escape to most people, like mist, air, rain, dusk, walls, decks and the atmosphere of the streets that change depending on the pace of people passing by at different times of day. We are convinced that NOMAD, printed on a beautiful recycled paper, can give the flâneur authentic that gasp ecstatic that only great literature can give, that face the possibility of transcending to a different dimension, the dimension of rêverie, daydreaming with open eyes, and then begin a story like cannot happen , an adventure.

Staff Writer


E-mail: info@nomadepress.it



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