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Tourism discovering Italian roots

Tourism discovering Italian roots

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has recognized 2024 as the Year of Italian Roots, where the roots represent our origins, our identity. The PNNR therefore started a project to promote roots tourism. With this definition, we mean tourism aimed at those who, having emigrated abroad, return to their place of birth in search of their family roots; a unique and significant experience to discover something more about your past.

Roots tourism goes beyond tourism traditionally understood and presents characteristics typical of experiential tourism, that is, a type of tourism based on the direct experience of a place, through the carrying out of various activities that allow cultural, social and emotional enrichment.

Like experiential tourism, roots tourism offers immersive cultural experiences, so the discovery of family history and traditions is associated with emotions and memories. The latter derive from the personalization of the offer, built on the specific requests of the traveler.

Therefore, every traveler can participate in local events, visits to museums and historical sites, workshops on local traditions, meetings, according to an integrated approach, which allows you to reclaim your culture of origin and a personal and community identity.

According to an analysis carried out by Confcommercio and Swg, and presented during TTG in Rimini, the international tourism fair, an event in which Visceglia took part last October, there are approximately 80 million Italians residing abroad, who wish to make a return trip to your homeland. This would be capable of generating an annual economic revenue of more than 18 billion euros.

Starting from this data, it is possible to create a carnet of events and activities of interest, constituting a tourist offer which, through appropriate communication strategies, encourages knowledge of the culture of origin, the valorisation of the lesser-known and less developed areas of the Italy, in an eco-sustainable way, and youth employment.

It is configured as a tourism that "... could encourage our tourist offer to evolve in new directions", in the words of the president of Confcommercio.

Visceglia believes in the value of roots and supports all projects aimed at discovering our country and the riches that populate it.

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